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Do Wood Fences Expand?

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Question: Do Wood Fences Expand?
Top Answer (83% of 49 votes): Yes.

Answer: Yes
Explanation: Depending on the quality of wood yes and no
Jays Custom Fencing
Answer: No
Explanation: Wood fences will contract a slight amount as the lumber used dries out.
Lisenby Fencing Solutions, LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: The swell when we and shrink when dry
Woodfence llc
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Water gets absorbed through the would without the proper treatment.
A Fence Company biz LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Wood wet with rain can expand
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Both wood and vinyl fences are prone to expanding and contracting when exposed to moisture or intense heat.
Complete Services
Answer: No
Explanation: Well, when wooden wooden fences are installed the wood we use is pressure treated, so after installation the sun actually makes it contract instead of expand in most cases.
Brandons Fence Experts
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Over time with changes in temperature and weather they expand a tiny bit
WB Lawn & Landscape
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Wood fences do expand. If putting up wood pickets that are completely dry allow at least 3/8 inch had for moisture expansion. Also vice versa for a fence that is put up wet it will shrink when dry.
Ray&Co Contracting LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Due to temperature and moisture, wood expands and contracts
McFarland's Construction & Roofing LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Wood expands and contracts in response to changes in temperature and moisture. In most cases, if the wood pickets have been dried properly, expansion and contraction of the wood pickets is not an issue. However, it is always good to have some space between pickets. Sacrificing privacy as more space is added between pickets does allow for more wind to travel through the fence and will assure that the minimal amount a wood picket would expand or contract would not be a factor later on.
OConnor Building & Design, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Wood fences shrink as the moisture comes out of the wood. If you paint or stain the wood soon after it is installed. It will cause the wood to warp and twist.
William Cupp
Answer: Yes
Explanation: and also shrinks with the dryness if not treat it
pach ranch fencing & more llc
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Wood is a natural product and will expand/contract with the seasons. This is the reason we leave a gap when installing pickets on fences or decks.
Freedom Capital Group Renovation & Repairs
Answer: Yes
Explanation: What expands in the summertime and shrinks in the winter
Minnesota Fence Company
Answer: Yes
Explanation: When wood fence pickets get wet, they do expand, but as wood fence pickets dry out again, they will slightly shrink back to size. As wood fence pickets age, they will shrink slightly in size. This issue will affect gate latches as well sometimes.
Preston Hollow Fence Company
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Absolutely. In fact they will expand and contract due to weather.
Henson Coatings and Construction
Answer: Yes
Explanation: All wood expands and shrinks with the elemental effects due to the weather
ATX Residential Construction
Answer: Yes
Explanation: yes woof swell with rain but more improant they shrink as the slats season will allow to see threw on some . they make pvc color now looks like the wood 35 colors from easternfence.com
h.c.lawn& fence
Answer: No
Explanation: Pressure treated wood fences shrink as they dry out. Though they expand to some degree if wet
JC's Crafts and Home Services
Answer: No
Explanation: Wood fences contract as the moisture releases from the wood.Thats why you never paint or stain a fence until the moisture is gone.
Brooks and Jones Fence
Answer: No
Explanation: When wood fences are put up they are wet, we try make privacy fences as privacy as possible but the boards will dry and shrink.
Price Family Fencing Inc.
Answer: Yes
Explanation: All materials expand and contract with temperature and humidity.
Ironman Home Restoration
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes they do if not sealed.
Advanced Fence Construction, LLC
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