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Why Does a Wood Fence Warp?

Updated: 07/13/2016
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Answer: Weather
TDS Fencing
Answer: Cheap wood
Hired Guns Home Services
Answer: do to time in the sun an whether conditions. there's no way around this with wood fences.
Ninety Fence Inc.
Answer: Usually is caused by the changes in the moisture content of the wood due to sun exposure and other weather elements.
OConnor Building & Design, LLC
Answer: Weather
Galie Fence Co.
Answer: normally cheap wood or not enough fence rails for the type of wood used
T&M Home Services
Answer: Moisture and weather over time
AHS Pro Landscape
Answer: The post can be set poorly, wood can cup/bow/bend, line rails can cup.
ATX Residential Construction
Answer: Not nailed properly
JRT Construction
Answer: changes in temperature, humidity and sun exposure will cause wood to warp over time.
Mountain Men Fencing
Answer: Beacause of temperature changes / weather
CPL painting and repair service
Answer: The wood used might not be as thick as it should.
Answer: If it is not sealed, painted or stained the UV rays cause damage to wood.
Advanced Fence Construction, LLC
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